FSC/PEFC Certification
Environmental certification according to FSC® and PEFC
The environment is an important aspect that must be considered when trees are felled, and environmental issues are a priority. The ambition of Wood Support is to deal only with companies that affect the environment as little as is possible and that the remaining trees have a minimum of damage. There are two systems for certifying forest and forestry products: PEFC and FSC® . These are not interchangeable so Wood Support AB is certified according to both systems.
Traceability certification
Wood Support AB is certified for traceability according to PEFC and FSC®. Both make demands not only on the management system but also the actual products. Requirements made of the management system include, for example, that routines are documented of who is responsible for each work task with emphasis being placed on traceability, documentation and handling verifications. In the case of products, the requirements focus on ensuring the origin of the traceability to the end-product, and the design of verification documents (e.g. invoices).

FSC®, Forest Stewardship
Council® , is an international,
independent and non-profit
organisation for certifying forestry
that fullfills established ecological,
social and financial demands.